Spring 2003 Semester
Zhejiang University City College (ZUCC), Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou City, CHINA 310015

Spring 2003 was an exciting semester for the foreign languages department at ZUCC: a dozen teachers from four different countries converged to form a lively expatriate group. America, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom representatives made an international pool of unique individuals, qualifying for "intercultural communication" satisfaction. 

People come to China for different reasons, be it, language, culture, food or even an "escape from reality". But the experience is anything but an escape - it is living life to the fullest. Pulling up ones roots and leaving all that's familiar and dear to oneself is real life. People redefine themselves through open-minded assimilation of culture; it is with this self-growth that people can adjust and even flourish in a foreign land with a foreign language and lifestyle. 

The foreign teacher experience broadens ones views and interpretation of the world. Some say "the grass is greener on the other side." Living it up in China allows one to appreciate everything that makes their home country great. And that's just it, "you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone".

- Wilson Tai - ZUCC Foreign Teacher '02-'03 

Andrew Blinco - Australia
PhD Candidate Mathematics

Chris Whalley - New Zealand
B.A. Chinese

Helene Chung - USA
B.A. Linguistics

John Pasden - USA
B.A. Japanese Studies

Katherine Harvey - UK
B.A. Economics

Nadya Vessey - New Zealand
B.A. English
"Older Than Everyone Else"

Thomas Hadwen - Australia
BSc (Hons) Bio Chemistry 

Wayne Hsu - USA
B.A. Political Science
"Constant of a 4x4 magic square"

Wilson Tai - USA
B.A. Literature

Not pictured: John Smith, Cathy Smith, Matt Hurley
For the current ZUCC Foreign Teacher Roster, visit Sinosplice
For more information on teaching at ZUCC, contact the foreign liaison, John Pasden

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