Revolution is not an AOL Keyword

You will not be able to stay home, dear Netizen. 
You will not be able to plug in, log on and opt out. 
You will not be able to lose yourself in Final Fantasy, 
Or hold your Kazaa download queues, 
Because revolution is not an AOL Keyword. 

Revolution is not an AOL Keyword. 
Revolution will not be brought to you on Hi-Def TV 
Encrypted with a warning from the FBI. 
Revolution will not have a jpeg slideshow of Dubya 
Calling the cattle and leading the incursion by 
Secretary Rumsfeld, General Ashcroft and Dick Cheney 
Riding nuclear warheads on their way to Iraq, 
Or North Korea, or Iran. 

Revolution is not an AOL Keyword. 
Revolution will not be powered by Microsoft on 
The Next-Generation Secure Computing Base
And will not star Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee
Or Larry Lessig and Martha Stewart. 

Revolution will not promise penile enlargement. 
Revolution will not get rid of spam. 
Revolution will not earn you up to $5000 a month
Working from home, because revolution is not 
An AOL Keyword, Brother. 

There will be no screen grabs of you and 
Jeeves the Butler one-click shopping at My Yahoo, 
Or outbidding a shady grandma on eBay for 
That refurbished iPod 20-gig. will not predict election results in Florida
Or fact-check the Drudge Report. 
Revolution is not an AOL Keyword. 

There will be no webcast of Wil Wheaton boxing
Barney the Dinosaur on the dancefloor at DNA. 
There will be no mob- or wiki- blog of Richard Stallman
Strolling through Redmond in a medieval robe and halo 
As St. iGNUcious of the Church of Emacs 
That he has been saving 
For just the proper occasion. 

Survivor, The Osbournes, and Joe Millionaire 
Will no longer be so damned relevant, and 
People will not care if Carrie hooks up again with 
Mr. Big on Sex and the City because Information
Wants To Be Free even while Knowledge Is Power. 
Revolution is not an AOL Keyword. 

There will be no final pictures from inside the 
World Trade Center in the instant replay. 
There will be no final pictures from inside the 
World Trade Center in the instant replay. 

There will be no RealVideo of 2600-reading, 
Linux-booting white hat hacktivists 
And Mickey Mouse in the public domain. 
The theme song will not be written by Jack Valenti or 
Hilary Rosen, nor sung by Metallica, Dr. Dre, 
Christina Aguilera, Matchbox 20, or Blink-182. 
Revolution is not an AOL Keyword. 

Revolution will not be right back after 
Pop-up ads about eCommerce, eTailers, or eContent. 
You will not have to worry about a 
Cookie in your browser, a bug in your email, or a 
Worm in your recycling bin. 
Revolution will not run faster with Intel inside. 
Revolution, dude, is not getting a Dell.
Revolution will increase your Google rank. 

Revolution is not an AOL Keyword, is not an AOL Keyword, 
Is not an AOL Keyword, is not an AOL Keyword. 
Revolution will be no stream or download, dear Netizen; 
Revolution must still be live.

Remix by UC Berkeley associate: Eddan Katz, bIPlog, March 20, 2003.
Original by: Gil Scott-Heron, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, 1974.
Published online by: Racingmix, December 29, 2003.